
Carpe Diem -

Life is short. I don't take naps. I wake up early. I blog a lot. I run a lot. I kind of can't help it, but I'm always moving around the house.

I truly believe we should seize each and every day, Carpe Diem!

Here's what the last 48 hours looked like for me.

Saturday morning started with publishing three blog posts - here and here and one on MESPA's blog here!

Then @coacheagan picked me up for @edcampsfbay where we hung out and learned together for a few hours.

First session was with two of my amazing author friends who wrote The HyperDoc Handbook - @lhighfill + @kellyihilton


Headed home, packed up the car with my family and drove to Santa Rosa for a marathon I was running in on Sunday.

We had dinner at my Principal friend Jason's house before my marathon on Sunday.

Sunday morning wake-up at 4am with the 26.2 starting at 6am. 

Packet pick-up at De Loach winery on Saturday afternoon!

Post race hardware and yes I wore a customized Kids Deserve It race shirt for the marathon, had LOTS of compliments on the course!

Thanks to my wife and kids for the sign they made, very motivating seeing the on the course!

Sunday we got home around 1pm and I had to clean-up obviously after running a marathon. Shower, eat, rest up a little and then head to my moms house for dinner with the family. My laptop also came with me because we had @KimBearden on our @KidsDeserveIt show at 530pm - watch the show here!

A good friend of mine once told me that 'I'm sucking the marrow out of life!' I absolutely am and hope you do to! 

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