Adam is passionate about technology integration with all educators and a huge advocate of social media and connecting with other educators from across the country. Adam makes it clear that kids come first and has preached the message of Team Kid for many years. Adam believes leaders should stand on the tables, ride tricycles and do whatever it takes to connect with kids!
He is also the co-founder of Kids Deserve It with Todd Nesloney and their book is currently on Amazon for order.
Adam has an amazing wife (Stacy) and two young children (Greta and Tilden) that keep life at home exciting and active.
Published Articles
Ed Week
District Leaders Get Out of Your Office
Why Your Whole School Should Be On Twitter
The Principalship Needs a Makeover
Connecting Parents With Common Core
Leaders Get Out Of Your Office
Remind Running
New Year - New Goals
Ultra Running Vegetarian Principal
Running Marathons is Like Being an Educator
Dot Complicated
Being a Digital Dad